Gerda de Goudvink

Author Mark Haayema
Illustrator Medy Oberendorff
Age 4+
There's panic in the bird enclosure. Gijs, the man who refreshed the water every day and refilled the seed, is no longer there. What now? There's still food for three days at most. The flying birds consult in the Wise Consultation on the top stick. The ratites are not allowed to be there and wait impatiently for the wise decision.
Then Gerda the Bullfinch takes matters into her own hands. She does not think it is fair that the ratites are not in the Wise Consultation, and neither she. From now on, she decides who can eat and when. It does save a lot of consultation when one bird decides. But is it fair...?
Gerda the Goldfinch is set in the aviary of John the Parakeet. This book was the core title of the Children's Book Week 2018 and won Vlag & Wimpel van de griffeljury in 2019.
(If you like the book signed by me, please let me know)
ISBN 9789047628545